The Department of Ecology and Polymer Plant Technology invites for the studying (2021-2022 academic year) at master's degree program!


Admission of students for master's degree program is based on the results of competitive selection.

Terms of study: educational-professional program - 1 year and 4 months, educational-scientific program - 1 year and 9 months.

Admission to the master's degree program in a particular educational program is based on a bachelor's degree diploma. Persons who have obtained the educational qualification level of a specialist are also admitted to study for a master's degree program. Persons who have obtained the educational qualification level of a specialist by state or regional order may obtain a master's degree only at contract form
Admission to the master's degree program on the basis of a bachelor's degree, master's degree and educational qualification level of a specialist obtained in another specialty is allowed.

NOTE! The additional entrance exam for admission to the master's program has been canceled!

To enter the master's program you need to pass a single entrance exam (EVI) in a foreign language in the form of ZNO, and for this - to register for the EVI from May 11 to June 3 (until 18.00) and June 30 pass English, German, Spanish or French lenguage exam. This year, exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the master's program without exception. The single entrance exam in a foreign language will be conducted according to the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of complete general secondary education, except parts "Written speech" and "Language comprehension". Applicants to the master's program will consist only of the parts "Reading" and "Use of language". This year you can use the results of EVI 2020 and 2021.

This year, the documents for admission to the master's program are submitted only ONLINE. Up to 5 applications can be submitted under the state order. In order to submit documents, you need to register an electronic cabinet from July 1. Applications can be submitted from July 15 to July 23 inclusive. Entrance examinations in the chosen specialty can be made from July 24 to July 30 inclusive in accordance with the schedule of certification commissions.



Entrance examination programs


    Procedure for registration of EVI / EFVI for KPI students

    Procedure for registration of EVI / EFVI for non-KPI students


    List of documents for admission:

    • passport or other document proving citizenship (original and copies)
    • bachelor's diploma with annex (original and copies)
    • achievements (scientific articles according the chosen specialty)
    • military document (for boys; original and copies)
    • identification code (original and copies)
    • 4 photos


    Schedule of the admission commission

    CEF Selection commission

    The cost of studying in the 2021/2022 academic year

    Regulations about admission to master's degree program

    Information for entrants

    Official documents


    Our graduates

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    • Шаблій Тетяна Олександрівна:
      (066) 123-35-42

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