What I need to know about the department?
The history of the department dates from 1988 year. Founded by Professor Oleksandr Shutko, our department became the first department in Ukraine aimed at training specialists in the field of environmental protection.
Since its inception and to our days, the department operates as a division of the Chemical Engineering Faculty of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, which is the largest supplier of highly qualified technical personnel in the labor market of Ukraine.
At 2020 year, our department has 25 scientific and pedagogical staff, including 3 doctors and 22 candidates of technical sciences, who teach more than 500 full-time and part-time students. Leading teachers of the department are leaders of research projects and developments, in which students are actively involved. The best students of the department receive personal scholarships from the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The department has opened a postgraduate course in "Ecology", where 15 PHD dissertations have been defended during the last 5 years. Future specialists actually receive chemical, engineering and biological education.
During its existence, the department has trained more than 750 specialists in the field of water treatment, water and gas purification, waste disposal, production of pulp, paper and cardboard. Each of which is currently an indispensable specialist in their field.
Radovenchyk I.
The department trains highly qualified specialists who have a reputation among employers.
Deikyn I.
The future lies in the development and use of environmentally friendly technologies of vegetable raw materials processing.
Glyshko O.
After graduation, students have the opportunity to join the scientific school of the department
Why our department?
The ecological condition of the environment is deteriorating every year. Ukraine, which, in addition to all the troubles, also has the consequences of Chernobyl, suffers especially from environmental problems, for the solution of which there is traditionally a lack not only of funds, but also of qualified specialists. The system of ecological education in our country began to take shape only 25 years ago and our department in 1988 was the first, and therefore currently the most experienced, in this field in Ukraine. The peculiarity of the department is that it includes a group of scientists - microbiologists, as well as a department of highly qualified chemists - analysts who teach students modern methods of controlling the levels of environmental pollution.
Today, all global problems are related to the environment. Solving these problems is a priority.
Therefore, the need for highly qualified environmentalists will continue to grow. Studying ecology is very interesting and multifaceted. In the process of learning, students master a large number of specialized disciplines, which allows them to get acquainted with all environmental, technological, economic and social aspects of environmental protection. This provides quality training and a wide choice of future jobs. After graduation, students are able to professionally conduct qualitative and quantitative analyzes of environmental components, are well versed in environmental expertise, environmental monitoring, management and audit. Students majoring in Ecology are specialists in the development and implementation of technologies for water purification and water treatment, utilization and recovery of waste of various types, methods of gas emissions treatment; have skills in working with modern information systems; have knowledge of the use of design and use of alternative energy sources. The department trains highly qualified specialists who enjoy a reputation among employers. Our graduates work at the largest enterprises engaged in the development of water treatment equipment (ECOSOFT, BWT, Envitek, etc.); became specialists in state authorities and environmental inspections (Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine). For those who want to engage in scientific activities, the door is always open in the best research institutes of our country (Institute of Sorption and Endoecology, Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry and many others).