Educational program "Industrial ecology and resource efficient cleaner technologies" at Department of Ecology and Polymer Plant Technology produces leading specialists in such areas as:
- wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises
- technologies for pulp, paper and cardboard production
- gas purification at different enterprises
- obtaining nanomaterials from plant raw materials
- environmental management
- special types of paper obtaining
- environmental marketing
- resource conservation and environmental safety in the processing of plant materials
- ecoconsulting
During the past years, the issues of ensuring environmental safety in Ukraine have been declared a lot, but have not really been resolved at the state level. The most obvious example is the state of the Dnipro river near Kyiv: the main waterway literally turns into a swamp. Everywhere you can see the same trend - environmental problems are accumulating and conserving. And officials invariably use the thesis that there are no adequate funds in the state budget / local budgets to solve these problems.

Industrial waste is very dangerous pollutant. In Ukraine, the main source of waste generation are enterprises of mining, chemical and metallurgical, machine-building, fuel and energy, construction, agro-industrial complexes. The most toxic among them are wastes containing heavy metals, petroleum products, unsuitable for use pesticides (pesticides), the bulk of which is formed in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Almost 20,000 hectares of land are under toxic waste storage facilities. This garbage is taken to landfills, the vast majority of which are a source of intense water and air pollution.
A separate area of training students in the educational program "Industrial ecology and resource efficient cleaner technologies" are technologies for processing vegetable raw materials and wood ( video ). Our department has been training specialists for the pulp and paper industry since 1898 and is the only one in Ukraine that trains specialists in the field of integrated use of wood, production and processing of pulp, wood pulp, paper and cardboard. Students, in addition to general and engineering disciplines, study the chemistry and technology of production and processing of the most common and available natural polymers, which are constantly renewed in nature on a large scale and attract the attention of researchers and technologists.
Pulp and paper production is quite complex and interesting. It includes many processes of general chemical technology, organic and inorganic synthesis, electrochemical, biological and other industries. By chemical modification of cellulose and the use of chemical auxiliaries, paper with various valuable properties is obtained: non-flammable, waterproof, moisture-resistant, bactericidal, etc. All this requires from specialists in this specialty comprehensive, high-quality chemical and engineering training. Therefore, the department has developed and implemented a range of disciplines: chemistry of wood and macromolecular compounds, technology of wood pulp production and integrated use of wood, pulp production technology, basics of enterprise design, certification of industry products, production and processing of paper and cardboard, production economics, basics of management and marketing.
Students accumulate production skills during the internship at the best enterprises in the industry and at different research institutes. The department has its branch in the Ukrainian Research Institute of Paper. After graduation, specialists will work at pulp and paper enterprises of Ukraine, enterprises of the company "Ukrpapirprom" and other related companies and institutions, research and design institutes. To all students, who want to continue research and advanced training at the department opened a graduate school.
Today the department has 3 professors, 21 associate professors, 4 senior lecturers, 3 assistants who teach more than 500 full-time and part-time students. Leading teachers of the department are leaders of research projects and developments, in which students are actively involved. The best students of the department receive personal scholarships by the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Kyiv Mayor, the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and many others.
Future specialists actually receive chemical, engineering and biological education. The knowledge gained in the learning process, students have the opportunity to consolidate during the general technological and undergraduate internships in research institutions and enterprises in the field:
1) Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry
2) Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry
3) Institute of Surface Chemistry
4) Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
5) Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill
6) State environmental inspectorate
7) many other
Want to become a professional? We can give you such an opportunity!